Top Three Medicare Changes for 2022

Cameron Reed
Cameron Reed
Published on October 28, 2023

Greg Gelineau, CLTC

Greg Gelineau, CLTC

~Executive Vice President at American Senior Benefits/Integrity Marketing Group~ 🇺🇸Top 1% LinkedIn/Coach and Business Consultant. 30,272 followers. #IndustryExpert #LeadershipExpert “SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER”.

51 articles 

October 27, 2023


What is the real meaning of discipline?

The word “discipline” is from the Latin word disciplina, meaning “instruction and training.” It is derived from the root word discere—”to learn.”

Why is discipline so important?

Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are on a daily basis.

Here are some golden rules for Self-Discipline:

  1. Have a reason, a WHY so strong and so important that it will pull you toward your goals and discipline your action.
  2. Believe you are worthy of achieving your dreams because you are!
  3. Make confident mental pictures of yourself being a disciplined leader in your business. What do you look like? How do you talk to yourself?  Visualize it and feel it so that you start to see yourself as a confident leader and follow up on your own promises.
  4. Create a habit of self-discipline. Choose becoming better at discipline, not distraction. To build the habit, make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying.
  5. Surround yourself with people with similar abilities to remain disciplined in their lives. This will lift your energy and remind you that you can remain disciplined in your life as well.

Self-discipline is your super-power. It starts in your decision to make your dreams happen, evolves with practice, lasts by having a supporting strategy and ends in becoming your identity.

Having self-discipline helps us to overcome laziness and procrastination and prevents us from taking things for granted. 

It directs us to choose what we want most over what we want now. Self-discipline is like a muscle: the more you work on developing it and using it, the stronger it will become. Self discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. If you wish to possess more inner strength and stronger willpower, you need to start working on developing your discipline.

“Being in control of the way you lead your life makes you more content, satisfied, and confident.” 

Self-discipline is, in fact, the highest form of self-love. It allows us to take care of ourselves, our needs, and our goals in a way that is sustainable and healthy. Self-discipline takes practice, but it is well worth the effort in the end. 

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